sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013


Although this is a controversial topic, the aim of this article is to clarify some aspects so that people can decide freely whether or not they should eat GM foods. GM foods are those foods to which they have inserted foreign genes can be derived from plants or animals, in their genetic codesAccording to scientific literature review indicate there is some evidence that the negative effects of GM foods on human health which will be explained briefly below:1. - The recombination of viruses and bacteria can give rise to new diseases.The abundant use of viruses, bacteria and plasmids, all of which have a high potential recombinational, ie continue to exchange genetic material with other organisms even within our own bodies, has resulted in the creation of new pathogenic strains of existing diseases or new diseases.2. - AllergiesGenetically modified organisms contain different proteins and therefore small peptides having the potential to cause an immune reaction once consumed. So GMOs can cause allergic problems via two ways, may contain or may contain known allergenic proteins with unknown allergenic potential may cause the development of allergy in a population.3. - Transfer of antibiotic resistanceWhen designing a genetically modified organisms are usually inserted marker gene together with the gene of interest, thereby facilitating the identification of a genetic modification satisfactory. Antibiotic resistance genes have been used in the development of most genetically modified organisms because they provide for easy identification of organisms with a successful gene transfer. The possibility exists that this transfer occurs GMO gene the bacterial flora of our gastrointestinal tract and therefore can affect the efficacy of antibiotics in our body. Most Bt crops like maize Bt-176 Novartis approved for field experience in Uruguay, have a marker gene that produces antibiotic resistance. The researcher Patrice Courvalin, Pasteur Institute of France showed that this and other similar marker genes, can transmit antibiotic resistance to those who consume these products and even humans who consume animals that have been fed GM foods. This study was enough for France to withdraw from the market and its fields all crops have resistance marker genes any antibiotic.4. - Most foods toxicAccording to a study by the company Biotest in Australia in 1998, GM RR soy, contains a residue level up to 200 times more glyphosate. We now know that the level of toxic waste present in the final processed ingredients are as pesticides resistant transgenic crops is much higher.In the case of snuff modified plants these were designed to produce gamma-linolenic acid, which has been used in the treatment of patients with inflammation, autoimmune disease and arthritis, has been observed however that also occurs however octadecatetraenoic acid effects are not known and there is a need to study it.5. - Unknown and unforeseeable effects, which can result in death.By doing genetic modification, there is the possibility of a high level of uncertainty, since the techniques used are not accurate, which does not control the location of the new gene into the chromosome string.For these unpredictable impacts in the United States in the early 1990s and 1500 killed 37 people left with permanent serious sequelae because it was found that the effect of the ingestion of tryptophan transgenic, as it had generated a toxic molecule, which was not detected in amounts that were analyzed in the laboratory (Fagan, J. 1997)6. -  Side effects of drugs GMSome companies produce transgenic human insulin claim that their products are much cheaper than animal insulin, yet is much more expensive. However, in May 1999, the British Diabetic Association released a report in 1993 where 15 000 members denounced varying degrees of dissatisfaction by switching to transgenic insulinIn countries where GM foods are produced in large volumes are in the United States, Argentina and Canada cultivated mainly soybeans, corn, canola and cotton being planted around 114.3 million hectares. Over 40 countries are opposed to large seed companies transgenic happened May 25, 2013 against the company Monsanto. On the other hand, in more than 11 cities in Chile came out to protest a bill that implements the accession of Chile to the International Union Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, 1991, known as Monsanto law.
In conclusion, the consumer has the right, as mandated by international food law to be properly informed about the risks possibly to human health involves the consumption of GM foods, such information must be printed legibly on labels or food labels, so that consumers with full knowledge, can choose whether or not to consume GM food. Even, I propose that GM foods carry a hallmark internationally standardized. Welcome scientific research are to solve world hunger, but the end justifies the means.

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