domingo, 30 de junio de 2013


Sacsamarca is a high Andean village (3,500 msnm) belonging to the province of Huanca Sancos, Ayacucho department. It is a village where the entire population suffered the ravages of terrorism and extreme poverty. As I can narrow personal experience that I have assets that my father left me, and for that reason I had to travel to this town on several occasions. Observed for example, that forty years ago the people passed by dangerous paths to get the cattle, sheep, alpacas, and to move from one place to another had to be on foot or on horseback, were expensive foodstuffs, for example, bread was bought to last up to one week. Schools were distant from people. And there was no police protection.Then on another trip I made for the years 1990, and they had colocadon water services, drainage, electricity and public telephone. By the year 2009 make another trip, and what a surprise, no longer finds phone, but the villagers managed to 2-3 cell had affordable satellite cable to the population, the school was more modern, a modern hospital was built, had made the asphalt runways including traffic flow had increased. Before the trip to Sacsamarca Huamanga was 9 hours today are four hours. This facilitated the removal of the products produced by these people also will raise the socioeconomic status of the population. There is a group of people where socioeconomic status is higher than the rest of the population, for example they bought the house in town center, also bought in Huamanga and Lima.The people of these villages are very noble; story as an anecdote I once staying in the home of Pastor and as I had done the erranza on the heights of Huancacancha she walked me home and left tied up with string and told him not leave him so, that would put a padlock thieves told me that they are outsiders were not.As a personal experience note that they are very reluctant to have any outsider can install or buy land only can do the sacsamarquinos. One suggestion is to train young people in business leadership, help them place their family businesses and so these youth are not migrating to other people, and if they do it would be for training and personal development. Likewise, San Cristobal  de Huamanga University,  should play a greater role, providing scholarships to these young people should even put a branch in these villages.In conclusion to this town wakes to development requires entrepreneurial leadership of young people to promote the transformation of higher value-added products, which has been present through a police station, installation of a land bank, mutual , union, so they can have access to credit and so to install factories; also need the active partnership of the   San Cristobal de Huamanga University , active sharing of its population, change in attitude of the people against the development, and allow to bring foreign capital and technology. The growth and development is in the hands of its own people, it is only necessary to take action

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