sábado, 29 de junio de 2013


The Opuntia ficus indica "tuna" is a xerophytic plant that grows in the Andes Mountains, thanks to the efforts of Peruvian researchers achieved this plant acclimate to the climate of the Peruvian coast. It should be noted that this plant also grows in different parts of the world such as Mexico, Chile and Italy. So, studies of this resource in our country and worldwide.
In 2000, following that takes place on the Guinness Record World's Largest Chifa, which was held in the city of Ayacucho Huamanga (Now Region Ayacucho) were prepared various dishes based on the stem of the tuna , and it was my company that developed several products based on the prickly pear fruit "tuna"were by different people, including many from abroad, receiving an award for this contribution and recognition of the Municipality of Huamanga.
I've been watching the tuna that do not give much importance to its industrialization and yet it is a very important resource that could generate employment for many people. The technology and experience exists. With my staff I managed to develop some 50 products based on the stem and fruit tuna ranging from the use of prickly pear fruit, the leaf and even the waste generated in their industrialization
The nutritional value and physiological providing fruit and stem tuna are valuable to humans because it prevents many diseases such as diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's, obesity, and other diseases
Now that the state gave them electricity, water, telephone, internet and other facilities Andean peoples, villagers could apply for credit bank organized with the support of their respective municipalities for industrialization projects viable resource. As an example, in the district of Sacsamarca which is a town located at 3500 msnm is a livestock area and limited arable land is used for wheat, corn, quinoa, potatoes, amaranth, barley, goose mashua for consumption. However, the tuna grows wild without cultivation.
This resource provides many possibilities for industrialization such as jams, yogurt, jellies, mashmelos, ice cream, nectar, sports drinks, cookies, snacks, cakes, panettone, breads, liqueurs, candies, jellies, tuna meal, silage and other products
Another example is the district of Canaria, where the population is considered poor, despite having cell phone services, television. Cable, villagers remain planting potatoes, corn, cereals and fruit trees such as apple, peach for auto consumption, after these activities have no more work. Young people once they finish high school are employed in the mines of Catalina Huanca, because in place where they live there are no jobs and therefore Canaria Municipality tries to convince people to make fruit orchards in order to sell the fruits. Many young people come to the capital looking for work, when the ideal would be to stay in villages as they have home and food, while in the capital have to rent rooms and have to work on what they find.
There is money coming from decentralization to regional governments, which is distributed to remote districts, which is why that could be placed intermediate technology industries even in the remote villages of the country, therefore it is recommended that the required population the installation of factories to increase the employability of the population. The rest is raised and the answer too. ¡To work!.

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