Being a parent is a wonderful gift that God gives us many remember the beautiful moments of conception and as our sonor daughter was growing as us by our senses had evidence of life. That biological growth continues throughout the life of the human being. When our son or daughter was within the womb lacked nothing, was wonderfully happy, but when our children are born naked, need shelter, food and protection from parents in order to survive the harsh conditions of life. Man to walk requires falling about 200 times, parents are there to teach you to walk the path of life. Our children gradually struggling to survive and imposed on the rest of friends. In this struggle we must educate parents without hitting or yelling, but rather talk to our children. But we fear that our children, we do not tell their sorrows, joys, because we will have lost the opportunity for our children to see us as their friends and confidants. We are currently experiencing a cyber world (Facebook, chat, twitter, internet) in which offenders are camouflaged to take away all our children and harm.You have to remember, with much work brought the world to our children who are our treasures that are priceless and are the continuity of ourselves, if we do not get far being the friend and confidant, must awaken that we still have time to protect our children.The recommendation to parents is to seek ways to approach their children to tell them their problems, their joys, their friends, their life projects and to repeat over and over again of the dangers of making a poor decision, we must also handle facebook, chat, twitter, the internet as outreach tools of our children.In conclusion but that parents should be friends and confidents of our children for a lifetime.
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