I have had the opportunity to talk to a married couple who are currently wealthy, they selflessly entrusted me his secret of how they became millionaires. They travel all over the world, have many buildings, eat all that your body currently allowed, dress in clothes more expensive, are treated in the best clinics, cars are bought they want. When I went to visit them asked me how I was going in life, told them I was very happy, next to my family, but they insisted as I would my economy, there sincere me, but I said I wanted to be rich like them and they I asked as I might indicate wealth. In his private library books pulled Robert T.Kiyosaky and told me to come when you want to read. I was a scientist who did not have time and I did was write down the titles and bought the books. Currently I read these books that are my favorites. "Robert Kiyosaki and the Rich Dad team frequently speak of the concept of money Cashflow Quadrant". "This is a key concept of Rich Dad philosophy". "In simple terms, the dial states that there are four types of people in the business world: Employees, Self-employed (or business owners themselves), large business owners and finally Investor". To make wealth format had to change my mind and make it work to my surroundings and wonder where I'm going. As story experience working in the fishing industry (used), then I retire, then undertook various small businesses (self-employed), I went to work for the university (Employee) and realized that the money he earned did not cover my needs myself or my family. Then I had an accident that I had ridden two months, which made me reflect on my life. Thanks to reading the books mentioned above was tested as to wealth. But during my convalescence I reached my pocket money without having to work and mobilize myself. Watched television, was laying, plaster, near my had the Internet, cell phone, landline and that if they were my tools to my wealth. I found that what was said in the books of Robert Kiyosaky was true. Now I am dedicating my training in finance.
In conclusion to wealth is a matter of mental reformat have and make the right decision to become rich ..
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